Heyblabber Podcast Episode 10: Interview with Terryl Whitlatch

Heyblabber Podcast Episode 10: Interview with Terryl Whitlatch is now available!

In this episode we speak with Episode I artist and Jar Jar designer Terryl Whitlatch.

Terryl Whitlatch
Terryl Whitlatch

00:00-00:55 – Intro
00:55-50:52 – Interview with Terryl Whitlatch
50:52-52:32 – Outro

Listen here!

Terryl Whitlatch on ArtStation

Terryl Whitlatch on IMDb

Vote for the winner of The Great Cousin Jar Jar Art Contest

Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website

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Transcript by Aveline Malek.

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